Friday, May 13, 2011

8 Guilty Pleasures

#8 – Betsey Johnson

This may sound funny, but yes, loving Betsey Johnson is a guilty pleasure! It's literally every girly-girl's dream come true. Not that I am embarrassed about it, it’s just that I have a hard time spending so much money on one thing. Her stuff is expensive! I love it just the same…and if I ever get rich one day, you will find me wearing Betsey dresses every day! I am lucky enough to own 1 dress and a few shirts, plus tons of purses, socks, and jewelry. LOVE IT!

#7 – Tiny Chef

This is embarrassing to admit, but I am kind of addicted to the app Tiny Chef. You have a restaurant and you cook food and design it. Then you start expanding and buying more restaurants and yeah…you get the idea. (And to be even dorkier, those are actually screen shots of 2 of my restaurants! NERDxCORE)

#6 – Gourmet cupcakes

Every area has their own cupcake places – my favorite around here happens to be Just Baked cupcakes. Their red velvet cheesecake cupcakes are TO DIE FOR. I mean it. I literally die when I’m eating them. (Well afterwards, when I’m trying to work off the extra pounds from devouring a large cupcake in about 5 seconds.) I have no self control when it comes to cupcakes!

#5 – iCarly

Another embarrassing fact to admit...I like watching iCarly. I can’t help it. Carly’s brother Spencer is HILARIOUS. And have you SEEN the ostrich episode? (See pic above) So funny!!  I like to watch on weekends when I’m not doing anything. Sam and Carly can be pretty annoying, but it’s worth sitting through for the parts with Spencer. Don’t judge.

#4 -  Music from Glee

Yes – I love watching Glee. And yes – I download a lot of the music from the show as well. I can’t help it. A lot of times they are singing songs that I don’t always like, but the way the song is arranged makes it so much better. They also put modern twists on some older songs. I love their version of “Somebody to Love” by Queen (even though no one will compare to Queen – one of my top 5 favorite bands ever!) and also their rendition of “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga. And whoever creates the mash-ups (where they mix 2 songs together) on that show is a freakin’ GENIUS. The mash-ups are incredible! Come on – “Start Me Up” and “Livin’ on a Prayer”??? SO AMAZING. Plus it’s the girls singing it!

#3 – Vanilla ice cream cones with sprinkles

I tried really hard not to make my entire guilty pleasures list consist of food, although I could have easily done it! I love that you can go to different ice cream places and the ice cream and sprinkles taste just a little bit different at each place. My current favorite happens to be Dairy Queen. Their vanilla is very tasty and MAN – they have the best sprinkles! I try not to go more than once a week, although sometimes it’s hard!

#2 – Driving

I know this one doesn’t sound like a guilty pleasure, but in my case it kind of is. I included it because sometimes I feel guilty doing it. Driving isn’t good for the environment and gas prices are out of control, yet I continue to drive when it isn’t necessary. The problem is that I really love to drive! I love listening to music and just driving. Not a single day goes by where I don’t get in my car and go somewhere. Or 10 somewheres.

#1 – Bad (but sooooo good!) Pop Songs

Ever since I was little, I’ve always loved pop music. I grew up listening to the Beach Boys and Wilson Philips. When I was in middle school, I used to listen to the Top 8 at 8 on our local radio station and keep track of the songs every single night. I love and was obsessed with Hanson and the Moffatts. And boy bands…you name it, I loved them! You can still catch me jamming out to N’SYNC and BSB in my car!

Horrible pop songs that I am currently listening to:
Avril Lavigne – “What the Hell”
NKOTBSB – “Don’t Turn Out the Lights”
Glee cast – “Friday” (cover of Rebecca Black)
NLT – “Do It Like I Love It”
Charice – “Pyramid”

I know right….it’s BAD. But I love!

What are YOUR guilty pleasures???


Ashley Bagley Nielson

yum yum yum yum yum, now i need sprinkles!

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