Saturday, December 4, 2010

Summer time and all that jazz

Hey all -
It's been a busy year, I can't believe I haven't updated in soooo long! Here is my year in a nutshell:
- Finished up my first year of teaching Title 1 in June
- Worked all summer at the Boys & Girls Club of Southeast Michigan at the NFL/YET Campus in Detroit! I worked in the learning center every day for 10 weeks...started a successful newspaper club, had tetris tournaments, reorganized the club library, and spent many hours building lego ships and buildings with the kids! It was a crazy summer, but I loved it, and I have lots of pictures to share!
- Met my new boyfriend, who is amazing :)
- Started another school year teaching Title 1, and instead of just 4th grade this year, I also have first graders!
- Dyed my hair dark brown (what a huge change)!

That's about it in a nutshell...I'm actually at work at the Boys & Girls Club right now, filling in for a few days while someone is on vacation! Hope you enjoy some pictures from the summer!

How are y'all??

My Boys & Girls Club kids on the news!!

Check out this awesome clip of some of my favorite B&G club kids shopping for toys with the Detroit Lions!! They are so adorable!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Ahhh hello!
I ended up having a crazy busy summer so I wasn't a very good blog owner....I apologize! I am posting today because I am going to take a big leap of faith tomorrow and go from blonde to dark brown. I used one of those websites where you can try different hair colors and styles on yourself, and I think thats what I've decided looks best. What do you think??

Blonde hair....

....or brown hair????

<3 Lauren

Friday, July 2, 2010


I hate it when you know someone is mad at you, but you have absolutely no idea why, or what you did to make them mad. I'm bummed out today for this very reason. I can't solve the problem because they won't talk to me. Sad!

I'm going out of town this weekend which will be nice! Work has been crazy so I need a break.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Summer 2010 brings many changes so far:
NEW JOB - I got a job at the boys and girls club of Detroit for the summer. It doesn't pay much but I didn't want to be bored this summer and I thought it would be a good experience for me. So far so good! It's challenging working with inner city kids, but I like it so far! I'm learning every day and that's important to me.
NEW TEAM: Things have changed at school as well and I have one big team of freshman through seniors. It's new for everyone and it's going to be difficult, but I think we can do it!

This summer is all about getting rid of the old and in with the new! I'm very excited for what's to come...especially on Thursday! I will be filling you in then! Xoxo friends!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Now that it's summer, I HOPE that I will have more time for this thing! The last week has been crazy hectic and there have been a MILLION changes, but so far things have been good...and for the first time I am actually embracing change.

I will update soon - but until then (since I stopped using facebook) you can check out my brand new twitter! The only thing that I really miss about facebook is actually posting funny things that happen, so that will be what this and my twitter is for! Check it out:

Thanks for being so patient! Miss and love every one of you!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Here are some incredible songs that I am currently in love with. Some of them I have loved for years and years, and still love them just as much as the first time I heard them. Incredible.

"Green and Gray" - Nickel Creek
I am not a country fan, but I really like bluegrass. Especially Nickel Creek! The song above has been a favorite for many years. I can always identify with it. Here is a new favorite that I just found by them. It is completely's called "Doubting Thomas".

"Breaking" and "Dismantle. Repair." - Anberlin
"You make stealing hearts look so easy"....I've grown to love every single album from this band. They have a special place in my heart! Both songs are incredible.

"Until I'm Fine", "Live For Real", and "My Heart" - K's Choice
You probably know this band from their early 90's hit "Not an Addict" (c'mon I KNOW you know it). They have such an amazing discography behind them. I got to meet Sarah Bettens once at a show and I physically cried. I've never done that before. I just love her voice and music so much. Check out those 3 songs.

"Pretend You're Alive" - Lovedrug
"So fall in love while you can still hold your head up high, and pretend that you're alive again"...This band never made it big, but they have been a favorite of mine since about 2005. If you have never heard them....GO LISTEN!

"Brightest", "When Paula Sparks" - Copeland
I've basically been listening to the same cds over and over again since 2005, but that was a great time in my life and a time of musical discovery for me. This is one of the great bands I found back then!

"Escapist" - Brandtson
Another elusive band from 2005....but what a song. Always songs I can identify with!

What songs are you in love with??

I'm too loyal, and too be losing and be hopeless...

So I haven't updated in a really loooong time! I'll give you the short run-down with a few pictures :)

The holidays were wonderful this year...the highlight being our party with my dad's side of the family on the day after Christmas! His cousins are insane, along with my own cousins!
                                                                   My sister and I!

COUSIN SHOTS!! This happened way too many times to count!

My cheerleading season turned out absolutely fabulous! My little middle school team had 7 competitions, and we ended up winning five! They came in last place at every competition last year (I was not their coach), so they were so happy to win and so proud of what they could do! I was just as proud as they were!
This was our first stunt series, the side girls were in the middle of moving.

This was the end of stunt round! If I can find a way I will put a video up sometime!

Proud coaching moment! Getting my kids warmed up for stunt round.

Besides that, things have been going well! I was really busy with school and cheerleading up until about a week ago. I've also found some time to go out and enjoy myself....finally!

I am really excited to get back to blogging! I've gotten sick of facebook and I'd rather spend my time writing meaningful posts (or not-so-meaningful ones as well!) rather then aimlessly messing around on there. 

How has everyone been??? Mad love to Karina for linking me on her blog! :)

Sunday, January 31, 2010


If you know me well, then you know that I tend to apologize....a lot. Most of the time for things that aren't my fault. There are some things I need to get off my chest, so here are some real apologies....

To the Canadian - I'm sorry that I hate you, even though you are one of the greatest people I have ever known. Maybe one day I can feel things other than hatred. I'm sure it's misplaced and covering up feelings that are more difficult to feel, but for now, I'm just sorry.

To NN - I'm sorry that we haven't spoken in many months. I hope that you are well.

To BlaneFD - I'm sorry that I had to stop being in love with you. It's too hard to love someone that doesn't love you back the same way. Just know that I love you as one of my dearest friends and that will have to be enough. And hopefully it will be one day.

To the dumbass numetal idiot - I'm sorry that I let your stupid words mess with my head. I had to start from scratch with my confidence because of that, and it shouldn't have affected me that way. I know that I'm better than you think I am, and your opinion does not matter.

To lilC - I'm sorry for never impressing you. I'm sorry for bothering you so much. I have other things to say sorry for but you will just yell at me for saying them.

To my students - I'm sorry for being so impatient with you at times. I know that you have a lot going on in your lives for 9 year olds, and I should be more understanding. I'm also sorry that some of you have bad home lives. Just know that I would take you home and take care of you if I could. I hope that on some days my hugs are enough to make you feel loved.

To my very best friends - I'm sorry that I don't get to see you enough. I love you guys.

<3 Lauren