Sunday, February 26, 2012

Hello world!

Since I've been MIA lately, it's time for an update!! I will keep this simple, and kindly use bullets :)

  • Last July, I got engaged to my incredible fiance Nick! He completely shocked me by proposing to me on our trip to Las Vegas. I was in no way expecting this to happen. Of course I said yes!
  • I am now in my fourth year at Grogan Elementary, and this year I am teaching reading. I work with mainly the lower el kids. I see a LOT of second graders, which I don't mind. I have known them since kindergarten, so it's been fun for me to track their progress through the years.
  • Nick has been living in Mexico since the beginning of January for his last rotation at Ford as an FCG (Ford College Graduate). He is working on the build of the 2013 Fusion. He is there until mid-July sometime. I am planning on joining him in June once school lets out, so I am looking forward to a new adventure! (And not working this summer, for the first time in years!)
  • I have been working on planning our wedding, which is going to be on December 1st. We have the ceremony and reception locations, and I found my wedding dress a couple weeks ago. It's starting to become so real, and I am actually getting excited! It's really awesome when both of our families support and even LIKE our choices. They make it very easy for us. It has been really fun going places with my mom and my soon-to-be mother-in-law. I honestly could not ask for a more incredible family to be joining. Nick's family is amazing, and our families get along so well. It seems like a dream come true...a dream I never even knew I had!
  • House hunting is also in our near future. We are hoping to get a place this summer after Nick gets back from Mexico. We're not completely sure where we will end up, but it's not going to be anywhere too far from where we live currently. 
Isn't he freakin' adorable!?


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Sharing is caring!

I saw this pic and it made me LOL fo'realz!!

If you enjoy smart-ass answers on tests from kids of all ages, you have to check out a website I found. I died of laughter one day at work on my lunch break from looking at this website:

You will die. And realize that some kids are just completely inappropriate, whether they mean to be or not!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

That day where you forget your lunch and you were late for work because of traffic and you fell in the parking lot because it was icy...

You know....THAT day?! Let's be honest, we all have THAT day once in awhile.

But...not everyone gets to walk into their classroom and see this in the middle of THAT day:

Granted, I have known her since she was quite young, and she is now in 3rd grade. But seriously, how sweet is that? That made my day for a long time. It still makes my day to see that photo.

I guess I have some updating to do for those who I don't talk to every day. I got engaged in July and am currently planning a wedding for December 1st, 2012! It was crazy and unexpected and it's still hard to believe.

Nick is currently in Hermosillo, Mexico until July working a rotation for Ford. It hasn't been easy, but life can't be postponed. I'm thankful that I have been busy with work and will continue to keep busy planning the wedding. I am also thankful for the wonderful family and friends that I have.

Well, here's to 2012! Let's hope that it's full of happiness and love, and that it contains very few of THOSE days :)