Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Favorite Fall shows

Hey everyone! It's been forever, but I've been really things have not been going so well and the last thing you want to read about it someone's crappy day on the internet! I'm feeling better now, and I want to know, what is your favorite fall show??

Mine's easy. It's GLEE!

When you read about it, it sounds like every other high school show/movie. But after you watch the pilot, you know it isn't. The characters are HILARIOUS and so different. I can't even pick a favorite character because I have about five. (But if I had to pick, it would sooooo be Kurt Hummel!) It was the first show to be picked up for a full season this fall (and only after the first official episode!). So basically I'm saying - you NEED to watch it! Here is a clip from my favorite episode thus far:

(If you're wondering why they are's because the kicker - Kurt the gay character - can't do his kick without doing the dance before hand because it's how he practiced it. But hilarious!)

What is your favorite fall show so far?


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