Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ah yes, I live!

Hey everyone!
I'm sure you didn't miss me, but I took a break...mostly because I was having a hard time dealing. Dealing with life. I go through periods like that sometimes. For awhile I found it amusing that I had a blog, because I am not one to share personal feelings. I protect my thoughts and feelings and internal happenings with a 100 foot tall, thick steel wall. Kind of makes the thought of having a blog pretty ridiculous if I can't even share anything.
It took a certain person to make me realize that I don't open up very easily. I know that. I will give you every penny I own and the clothes on my back. But ask me to share my feelings on certain things, and I just can't do it. Thank you, friend, for helping me realize that.

ANYWAYS! Things have been going well for the most part! Work is good, coaching is wonderful! I am having a great time with the middle school kids! They are full of life and energy and passion and it's really great to see. Hopefully I will have some videos to share come January!

I have been reading my Twilight books again. You can laugh, but they make me so happy. I caved and I ordered the Hunger Games and Catching Fire today...I hope they are as good as I am hearing! I will let you know when I finish!

I can't wait to catch up on all of your blogs (and lives!) and I promise that I won't wait so long to post :)


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